Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thoughts on Lent IV

The lessons appointed for this Sunday (March 22, the Fourth Sunday in Lent) raise yet another paradox of faith: when caught up in the power of God, that which was destructive, even deadly, becomes life giving. The poisonous snake, striking down the Israelites, when lifted up on Moses’ staff becomes the source of healing. The Cross, an instrument of shame, humiliation and death, with Jesus lifted upon it becomes the place of our salvation. The key, at least by way of these lessons, seems to be a willingness to look unflinchingly at - dare one say, embrace - that which we would rather avoid. Easy words for a blog or a sermon; very difficult in real life, when it means facing the death of a child, or the ending of a marriage, or a deep hurt, loss or disappointment. And yet the hope and the promise are there. It is the pulse of Holy Week and Easter. It is where we are going these last few weeks of Lent. May Christ walk closely with us.

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