5:00 pm: Holy Eucharist with music by the St. Nicholas (youth) choir and organ 10:30 pm: Preludial music for choir, congregation and organ 11:00 pm: Holy Eucharist with music by organ and choir
The gentle chants of the community of Taize in the midst of candles and icons - what a wonderful way to celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Join us at St. Paul's on SUnday, December 19, 5:00 pm, for our monthly celebration of Taize prayer. A simple reception will follow.
It may be a little unfair, but the video below made me wonder about the church. It seems that we often struggle to understand who we are and why we are here: a community of like minded people, a social action group, a "family" that enjoys reuniting each Sunday...? Clergy in their turn have veered over the years from being educators to counselors to community organizers to social workers to...
What happened to being the Body of Christ, gathered by the Holy Spirit, to worship God in holiness, proclaim the Good News, and serve the world in the name of Christ? Where are the clergy being stewards of the mysteries, people of prayer and sacrament, fathers and mothers in Christ to their people - not in arrogance or domination, but love and humility...?
With all that - enjoy the video! It's funny. (h/t to Women's Guild)
Doing the dishes so we can spread the Gospel
We don't spend enough time making the main thing the main thing at General
Convention. But for 90 minutes early one morning, deputies and bishops
gathered ...
Ebola Outbreak Forum at All Saints Memorial Church
*Ebola Outbreak Forum at All Saints Memorial Church7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. -
September 11, 2014 *
Rhode Island is home to the largest Liberian population in the ...
Lent 4
Lent 4, 2012
The Rev'd Christopher L. Epperson
There are several features to this Gospel text that cry out for
explanation. First, Jesus is in conversatio...