Recent posts have all been about the work and trials and joys of General Convention, parsing the Archbishop of Canterbury's response to GC 2009, the sturm und drang of episcopal elections... All important things, worthy of attention.
On the other hand, there is this view from our campsite in Vermont. And one is reminded that there is more to life with God than the institutions and affairs of the human part of Creation. The hills of Vermont were here long before the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, and will no doubt be here long after. There is a breadth and depth to the beauty of God's work that evokes wonder and praise - even when it rains (Glorify the Lord, every shower of rain and fall of dew..). How important it can be to change up the rhythm of life. It's amazing how easy it can be to sit in a chair and seemingly do nothing - except look at beauty, and think a thought or two, and offer a prayer. The other rhythms of life will be back soon enough.
And yes, I am posting this from the campsite. Who would go to a campground without wifi?
Doing the dishes so we can spread the Gospel
We don't spend enough time making the main thing the main thing at General
Convention. But for 90 minutes early one morning, deputies and bishops
gathered ...
6 months ago